Page 53 - Harley-Davidson Perugia
P. 53
NEW PRODUCTS use in a 50-Jtate U.S. EPA compliant application or kit. Use of any incomplete co
may not be legal for sale or use on U.S. market pollution controlled vehicles and
SCREAMIN' EAGLE® MILWAUKEE-EIGHT® competition use. See Genuine Motor Parts & Accessories or ScreaminË Eagle A
ENGINE STAGE IV KITS fitment and warranty information. ScreaminË Eagle Performance products are inten
Go big or go home. With the largest displacement of A STOP HAND: Harley-Davidson Motorcycles modified with some ScreaminË Eag
any Harley-Davidson® Stage Kit, this 107CI to 128CI be used on public roads and, in some cases, may be restricted to closed-cours
or 114CI to 131CI Stage IV Kit is designed to deliver
maximum horsepower – all the way to the redline. HtomPpaaeprorrlrttfeosooyrrvam-virDdeeahean4icvc9eelie-dnJpstst.rhaooCtudnaeusliUhcfioat.asSrssn.atisaErtehPgwiAeuniittdeceheonnlmdaignepielndilsnieafoeonenrtrottibhfnauempgteepaexrerpxfereopinNrreigemOrnctTcaaisencnedoca,mrlesisdpoopelilprraeoonhandtdislfuytoto.circtssasuatbldeesedtoasrndigutyisanneleofiidnn
Packaged with patent-protected cylinder technology, their V-twin engines and overall improved performance in real world
it allows for the largest bolt-on engine upgrade to any pGarOtsLaIGreHTin: tTehnedseedScFrOeaRmiTnHË EEagEleXpProEdRucIEtsNaCreE5D0-RJtIaDteEUR.SO. ENPLAYc.omplian
Milwaukee-Eight motor. Features new CNC-ported
heads with 1mm bigger valves and fully machined vehicles, including those that are pollution controlled. See Genuine Motor Pa
combustion chambers. Coupled with the kit's high-lift Eagle Accessories catalog for fitment information. ScreaminË Eagle Performa
SE8-517 cam, high compression pistons and a 64mm
throttle body and intake manifold, this combination AeTxTpEerNieTncIOedNrider only.
delivers a thrilling 135 ft-lb of torque and 124 HP rear- mHCvaueArhslLeitcIyFlne-OosDRtianNbvtIehiAdeusOssotNeantdL®eYoo:mfnTChopeatusolifebrocSlriynccicrarel.oeasamdimns’ oEaadngidfleieinpdrsowodumitchtesscaoaremsseetsremSetcacryeoambmepliiranen’stEtfroaircgstl
wheel output when paired with the Screamin' Eagle
Street Cannon Mufflers and Ventilator Air Cleaner. WARRANTY
It’s designed to run wide open at high-end RPMs and Installation of Screamin’ Eagle products, and similar products from
provide a significant boost of torque from cruising street compliant offerings installed by authorized Harley™ deale
speed. You’ll feel the difference as soon as you twist vehicle warranty. See your dealer for more information.
the throttle. When installed by an authorized Harley- Throughout this catalog you will find symbols relating to the spe
Davidson Dealer within 60 days of the vehicle purchase, product. Definitions for these symbols are outlined below:
compliant kits do not impact the vehicle’s limited
warranty. CROSSED FLAGS: These products may be intended for race use only a
• Delivers increased response throughout the entire use in a 50-Jtate U.S. EPA compliant application or kit. Use of any incom
RPM range. may not be legal for sale or use on U.S. market pollution controlled vehicl
• Provides thrilling acceleration when twisting the hrottle. competition use. See Genuine Motor Parts & Accessories or ScreaminË E
• Maintains flat torque curve from cruising RPM fitment and warranty information. ScreaminË Eagle Performance products a
to redline.
• Can be installed without removing the engine from STOP HAND: Harley-Davidson Motorcycles modified with some Scream
chassis. be used on public roads and, in some cases, may be restricted to closed
parts are 49-Jtate U.S. EPA compliant but are NOT compliant for sale o
49-State U.S. EPA Compliant on select ’18-later PmeortfooMrrmvielawhniaccuelekpse.reoC-da1Eul0iicfg7othsrSntaoi1arfe2tg8iauniitSldeStenaltdingoeeecdskIfVoonrStthoaefmteapxielprveinsrigenccaendarlsidoelreoandlyto. subst
Softail® Models. Refer to
for status. 150GveOhicLlIeGsH, iTn:clTuhdeinsge ScreaminË Eaareglpeopllruotdiounctcsoanrtero5ll0e1-dJ5.t0Sateee U.S. EPA co
those that Genuine Mo
Performance components include: 140EexapgeleriAenccceedssroidrieersocnalyta. log for fitment information. S1c4r0eaminË Eagle Pe
• Screamin’ Eagle CNC PCNC-ported cylinder head
with CNC-machined chamber and 1mm larger valves 130 130
• 128 or 131 Stage IV Timer cover Corrected Rear Wheel Torque (lb-ft)
• SE8-517 High-Lift Cam Corrected Rear Wheel Horsepower (hp)120vCeAhLicIFleOs RinNtIhAeONLY: These Screamin’Eagleproducts12ar0estreetcomplia
• Screamin' Eagle Forged 10.7:1 High-Compression state of California.
Pistons and Rings
• Screamin’ Eagle High Performance Cam Bearing 110 110
• Screamin’ Eagle High Performance Tappets
• Screamin’ Eagle 4.31" Steel Sleeve Cylinders 100 100
• Screamin’ Eagle 64mm Throttle Body and Cast Manifold
• Screamin’ Eagle High Flow Injectors (5.5 g/sec)

90 90

80 80

70 70

60 60

50 Stock 107 TQ 50
40 Stock 107 HP 30
128 Stage IVTQ

30 128 Stage IVHP

20 20
2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7

Engine Speed (rpm x 1000)
   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58