Page 55 - Harley-Davidson Perugia
P. 55
NEW PRODUCTS use in a 50-Jtate U.S. EPA compliant application or kit. Use of any incomplete co
may not be legal for sale or use on U.S. market pollution controlled vehicles and
SCREAMIN' EAGLE® MILWAUKEE-EIGHT® competition use. See Genuine Motor Parts & Accessories or ScreaminË Eagle A
ENGINE STAGE III KITS fitment and warranty information. ScreaminË Eagle Performance products are inten
This Stage III kit has been developed for the rider A STOP HAND: Harley-Davidson Motorcycles modified with some ScreaminË Eag
looking for a solid “seat of the pants” increase you can be used on public roads and, in some cases, may be restricted to closed-cours
feel every time you roll on the throttle. The bump up
in displacement and compression deliver a significant tHomPpaaeprorrlrttfeosooyrrvam-virDdeeahean4icvc9eelie-dnJpstst.rhaooCtudnaeusliUhcfioat.asSrssn.atisaErtehPgwiAeuniittdeceheonnlmdaignepielndilsnieafoeonenrtrottibhfnauempgteepaexrerpxfereopinNrreigemOrnctTcaaisencnedoca,mrlesisdpoopelilprraeoonhandtdislfuytoto.circtssasuatbldeesedtoasrndigutyisanneleofiidnn
increase in torque and power over stock, all the while their V-twin engines and overall improved performance in real world
restoring the sensation of riding solo when you’re loaded pGarOtsLaIGreHTin: tTehnedseedScFrOeaRmiTnHË EEagEleXpProEdRucIEtsNaCreE5D0-RJtIaDteEUR.SO. ENPLAYc.omplian
down. The Stage III 107CI to 119CI upgrade delivers up
to 23% more power and 17% more torque compared vehicles, including those that are pollution controlled. See Genuine Motor Pa
to the Original Equipment engine configuration. The Eagle Accessories catalog for fitment information. ScreaminË Eagle Performa
Stage III 114/117 to 122ci upgrade delivers 15% more
power and 13% more torque compare to the Original AeTxTpEerNieTncIOedNrider only.
Equipment engine configuration. Plus there’s a one-year mHCvaueArhslLeitcIyFlne-OosDRtianNbvtIehiAdeusOssotNeantdL®eYoo:mfnTChopeatusolifebrocSlriynccicrarel.oeasamdimns’ oEaadngidfleieinpdrsowodumitchtesscaoaremsseetsremSetcacryeoambmepliiranen’stEtfroaircgstl
manufacturer’s warranty and eligibility for coverage
under factory vehicle warranty when dealer-installed WARRANTY
within 60 days of vehicle purchase. Installation of Screamin’ Eagle products, and similar products from
• Delivers increased throttle response throughout street compliant offerings installed by authorized Harley™ deale
the entire RPM range. vehicle warranty. See your dealer for more information.
• Produces flexible roll-on passing power without a Throughout this catalog you will find symbols relating to the spe
required downshift. product. Definitions for these symbols are outlined below:
• Delivers excellent stop-light to freeway speed
on-ramp acceleration. CROSSED FLAGS: These products may be intended for race use only a
use in a 50-Jtate U.S. EPA compliant application or kit. Use of any incom
49-State U.S. EPA Compliant on '17-later Touring may not be legal for sale or use on U.S. market pollution controlled vehicl
Models. Refer to for status. competition use. See Genuine Motor Parts & Accessories or ScreaminË E
fitment and warranty information. ScreaminË Eagle Performance products a
Performance components include:
• Screamin' Eagle 4.155 Big Bore Bolt-On Cylinders STOP HAND: Harley-Davidson Motorcycles modified with some Scream
• Screamin' Eagle Forged 11.0:1 High-Compression be used on public roads and, in some cases, may be restricted to closed
Pistons and Rings parts are 49-Jtate U.S. EPA compliant but are NOT compliant for sale o
• Screamin' Eagle SE8-447 Torque Cam MilwaPmuekoretfoeor-rEmvieaghnhicctele1p0s.r7oCTdaouliucfotrsrinnaigareSgiuntoitdecenkldinveesds.f1oo0nr7tt-hatemoe-p1x1ep9reinrSigetnaccagenedaIrIlsiIdoKelrietoandlyto. subst
• Screamin' Eagle High Capacity Tappets
• Screamin’ Eagle High Performance Cam Bearing w/ Street Cannons & Ventilator A/C
• Screamin' Eagle Stage III Timer Cover & Insert
• Multi-layer coated Head Gaskets 150vGeOhicLlIeGsH, iTn:clTuhdeinsge ScreaminË Eaareglpeopllruotdiounctcsoanrtero5ll0e-1dJ5.t0Sateee U.S. EPA co
• Cylinder Base and Cam Cover Gaskets those that Genuine Mo
• Most necessary gaskets and seals

140eExapgeleriAenccceedssroidrieersocnalyta. log for fitment information. S1c4re0aminË Eagle Pe

130 130
Corrected Rear Wheel Torque (lb-ft)
Corrected Rear Wheel Horsepower (hp)120vCeAhLicIFleOs RinNtIhAeONLY: These Screamin’Eagleproducts12ar0estreetcomplia
state of California.

110 110

100 100

90 90

80 80

70 70

60 60

50 Stock 107 TQ 50
40 Stock 107 HP 30
107-119 Stage III TQ

30 107-119 Stage III HP

20 20
2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7

Engine Speed (rpm x 1000)
   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60